Bhavishyawani is known as the premier astrology consulting service provider which performs under the supervision of "Shree Mahakali Vaidic Jyotish Anusandhan Kendra ( Delhi )".
We have highly experienced astrologers who provide astrological solutions for Horoscopes, Kundli Analysis, Match Making, Property, Relationship, Education, Career, Wealth and Vastu For Home, Office, Shops And Business Premises etc. Our Astrologers have been providing the common people with the accurate Jyotish Reading with easy remedies to rectify any doshas in the kundli.
We provide 100% certified Gemstones, Siddh Yantra, Rudraksha and Divine Articles as astrological remedies to our clients which gives the desired result to them.
We performs online/ destination puja and anushthan for our client and partners by well experienced scholar achrayas.
They performs all the puja and anushthan according as ancient vedic rites and rituals.
We are Perfect destination for your astrological solutions.
Our mission is for our clients alike experience exceptional service, quality and trust.
About Astrologer
Divotee of Aadishakti Mahakali
With grace of Mahakali Panditji started to learn jyotish under Guru-Shishya
parampara, to help people through the knowledge of astrology.
Pt. Manmohan Mishra gave Panditji, the primary education of vaidic
astrology and how to perform vaidic pooja, anushthan and also rites & rituals.
Panditji also learned vadic jyotish siddhant from various gurus and practicing
them to solve the problems of people.
He worked very hard in the field of astrology. He helped thousand of people
around the world through the knowledge of astrology.
The people who came to panditji return with full satisfaction after getting
guidance from him. It is to the credit of Panditji that he solves problems of
even those people who come as a last resort to him after having shown
their charts to other learned astrologers.
Pt. Jitender Ratan Sharma
Founder & CEO Shree Mahakali Vaidic Jyotish Anusandhan Kendra
Astrologer, Gemologist & Vastu Expert
( M. A. Economics )
Astro Services
Astro talk
By chosing this service you can talk to the selected astrologer on
phone or through skype by taking prior appointment to discuss your
problem & solution by the guruji.
After your payment confirmation available time slots are sent to
confirm your preferred appointment time and date.
Once confirmed we would send the confirmed date, contact
number and time via Email or Text message.
The data identified with the tyke is given based on the individual's horoscope (birth date, birth time, spot of birth).
New Horoscope (Any Age) :
Horoscope is a prophetic portrayal of an individual. It is the arrangement of different grahas and nakshatras when an individual is conceived. Considering the precise time, date and spot of birth, different parts of a human life can be investigated.
Online / Destination Pooja, Anusthan and many more.
Online / Destination Pooja
Grah Dosh Nivaran
Amavashya Shanti Pooja
Grahan Dosh Shanti
Shat Chandi Anusthan
Gayatri Anusthan
Mahamritunjay Anusthan
Mahavidya Anusthan
Office Premises:
Office related data is given to an individual based on vastu shastra. Office related data is broke down based on vastu shastra, office is investigated completely by our researcher acharyas and gives office development and inner changes procedure related data to an individual, so that in future, awful occasions can be disposed of off and to pick up propitiousness and advantages a vastu bolstered office is built.
Home Premises:
A house is worked for an individual to live. House development is done in the wake of choosing the land. House worked with the standards of vastu shastra is utilized to build a house with no vastu dosha. House development primarily includes : by vastu shastra a house's size, type, tallness and so on are taken into extraordinary thought, likewise in a house room course of action, water supply, garden and so on are worked by the vaastu. So that in future no vastu dosha is created.
Business Premises:
At the point when an individual begins working for procuring cash freely, at that point it's called as business . Business is a great deal of sort, an individual select his business as indicated by his work. Business is either done in little units or by means of huge units. Vastu is significant in both the units. In little units a few principles are connected by vaastu and In enormous units, uncommon standards are connected by vaastu, these guidelines incorporates from the room arrangement, improvement till parking spot.
Shop Premises:
With shop vastu related data advance, joy, thriving and cash are picked up throughout everyday life. By shop vastu related data an individual can construct his shop place or alter it as indicated by less or more utilization in present or future. Alongside shop vastu related data, appropriate cures and direction are given by our scholarly acharyas. Data identified with shop vastu given by us can likewise be gotten by means of email too.
Contact Us
To Know Your Past, Present And Future.
Contact Detail
602D/31A/3 Maa Kalka Apartment
Mehrauli, New Delhi, Delhi 110030
बुध - 07 जून, वृषभ राशि में 19:45 बजे।
- 24 जून, मिथुन राशि में 12:40 बजे।
गुरु - मेष राशि में ही संचरण करेगा।
शुक्र - कर्क राशि में ही संचरण करेगा।
शनि - कुम्भ राशि में ही संचरण करेगा।
राहु - मेष राशि में ही संचरण करेगा।
केतु - तुला राशि में ही संचरण करेगा।
Vaidic Jyotish Sutra
Dec 2024
सुख व समृद्धि प्राप्त करने के उपाय
आमतौर पर सुख सम्रद्धि और खुशियों से भरा हुआ घर बनाने के लिए शांति तथा पैसा दोनों की ही जरुरत पड़ती है परन्तु किसी के पास पैसा है तो शांति और सुख नहीं है। किसी के पास सुख शांति है तो पैसा नहीं है हर व्यक्ति किसी ना किसी समस्या से परेशान है। इसलिए हमें कुछ ऐसे उपाय करने चाहिए। जिनको प्रयोग में लाने से जीवन में आपको कभी धन और सुख समृद्धि की कमी न हों और घर में हमेशा शांति का माहौल बना रहें।
घर में जूते-चप्पल इधर-उधर बिखेर कर या उल्टे-सीधे करके नहीं रखने चाहिए। इससे घर में अशांति उत्पन्न होती है।
पूजा प्रात: 6 से 8 बजे के बीच भूमि पर आसन बिछा कर पूर्व या उत्तर की ओर मुंह करके बैठकर करें। पूजा का आसन कुशा का हो तो उत्तम होता है, अन्यथा गर्म, पीले, लाल अथवा सफेद रंग भी प्रयोग में ला सकते हैं। इससे आध्यात्मिक वृद्धि एवं शांति प्राप्त होगी।
पहली रोटी गाय के लिए निकालें। इससे देवता भी खुश होते हैं और पितरों को भी शांति मिलती है।
पूजा घर में सदैव जल को तांबे के एक कलश में भरकर रखें, संभव हो तो ईशान कोण के हिस्से में रखें।
आरती, दीप, पूजा अग्रि जैसे पवित्रता के प्रतीक साधनों को मुंह से फूंक मारकर न बुझाएं।
मंदिर में धूप, अगरबत्ती व हवन कुंड की सामग्री दक्षिण-पूर्व अर्थात आग्नेय कोण में रखें।
घर के मुख्य द्वार पर दाईं तरफ स्वस्तिक बनाएं।
घर में कभी भी जाले न लगने दें वरना भाग्य और कर्म पर जाले लगने लगते हैं और बाधा आती है।
सप्ताह में एक बार जरूर समुद्री नमक अथवा सेंधे नमक से घर में पोछा लगाएं। नमकयुक्त पानी से नित्य प्रात: घर की दहलीज धोएं, इससे नकारात्मक ऊर्जा दूर होती है।
हर अमावस की रात्रि में किसी भी चौराहे पर सरसों के तेल का चौमुखा दीपक जलाएं। ऋण मुक्त होंगे।
नित्य सायंकाल घर में गाय के कच्चे दूध में 9 बूंदें शहद की मिलाकर छींटा दें। इसके बाद गुग्गल, हरमल, लोबान को मिलाकर इसकी घर में धूनी दें।
व्रत एवं त्यौहार
Dec 2024
01 जून - प्रदोष व्रत
04 जून - ज्येष्ठ पूर्णिमा
07 जून - चतुर्थी व्रत
10 जून - कालाष्टमी व्रत
14 जून - योगिनी एकादशी व्रत
15 जून - प्रदोष व्रत
16 जून - रोहिणी व्रत
18 जून - आषाढ़ अमावस्या
20 जून - श्री जगन्नाथ जी रथ यात्रा
24 जून - कौमारिकी षष्ठी
27 जून - भड्डली नवमी
29 जून - शयनी एकादशी व्रत
Astro talk
In this service only one issue can be discussed.
Your specific queries will save time to be prepared with your questions.
Please note down the remedies suggested by the Guruji as no report will be sent & no post query will be solved in telephonic service.
Pt. Jitender Ratan Sharma
Founder & CEO Shree Mahakali Vaidic Jyotish Anusandhan Kendra,
Astrologer, Gemologist & Vastu Expert,
( 10 Years of Experience )
With grace of Mahakali Panditji started to learn jyotish under Guru-Shishya parampara, to help people through the knowledge of astrology. Pt. Manmohan Mishra gave Panditji, the primary education of vaidic astrology and how to perform vaidic pooja, anushthan and also rites & rituals.
Panditji also learned vadic jyotish siddhant from various gurus and practicing them to solve the problems of people.
Rs. 751/= ( 10 - 15 Minutes )
Rs. 1501/= ( 30 - 45 Minutes )
Pt. Rishikesh Dwivedi
Jyotish Visharad,
Vastu Ratnakar,
Palmistry Expert ( Samudrik Vigyan )
( 15 Years of Experience )
Pt. Rishikesh Dwivedi is the famous astrologer. He is working in the field of astrology, Vaastu and palmistry for the last 15 Years. He get all the Education required from Prayag Vidhyapeeth, Allahabad (UP). Presently he is working with “ Shree Mahakali Vaidic Jyotish Kendra and advising people all over the world, in all aspects of life.
Rs. 751/= ( 10 - 15 Minutes )
Rs. 1501/= ( 30 - 45 Minutes )
Acharya Pravesh Ghildiyal
Astrologer, Gemologist & Vastu Expert
( 15 Years of Experience )
Acharya Pravesh Ghildiyal is the well known name in the field of astrology. After completing his bachelor & master’s in astrology from “ Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidhyapeeth “ he started to help people through the knowledge of astrology. Presently working with Shree Mahakali Vaidic jyotish kendra .
He also performs Vaidic Pooja & Anushthan according to vaidic rites and rituals.
He resolves problems related to all aspects of life, no one back empty handed from Acharyaji.
Rs. 751/= ( 10 - 15 Minutes )
Rs. 1501/= ( 30 - 45 Minutes )
Acharya Pankaj Bhatt
Astrologer ( Phalit Jyotish ),
Scholar Vaidic rites & rituals
( 10 Years of Experience )
Acharya Pankaj ji is broadly educated in the science of astrology, known as best astrologer in Delhi. He has more than 10 Years of considerable experience in the Phalit jyotish, Vaidic pooja & Anushthan.
Acharya Pankaj ji has made a considerable study on various numbers horoscope books and developed significant expertise into it.
He benefited thousands of people with his acute, correct and wise horoscope predictions. The remarkable thing about his phalit jyotish is that his forecast bears close reality of future outcomes, with solutions fated to bless your life with restored peace and wellbeing.
Rs. 501/= ( 10 - 15 Minutes )
Rs. 1100/= ( 30 - 45 Minutes )
Acharya Nitin Sharma
Scholer Vaidic rites & rituals
Acharya Nitin ji belongs to Uttranchal brahmin family, who are resides Delhi more over 100yrs. He got his higher education from Lal Bahadur Shashtri Sanskrit University.
He has done profound study of astrology and vaidic rituals. Acharya Nitin ji has more than 8 yrs of considerable experience in the field of astrology and benefited thousands of people with his acute, correct and wise horoscope predictions.
Presently he is working with “ Shree Mahakali Vaidic Jyotish Kendra” and advising people around the world, in all aspects of life.
Rs. 501/= ( 10 - 15 Minutes )
Rs. 1100/= ( 30 - 45 Minutes )
Astro Service Reports
Education is more important to a person to rise high in life and
also acquire wealth and prosperity. All the parents wants their
children to acquire education in proper manner to achieve
success in their life. Vaidic astrology help a person choose the
right stream or subject, which help him/her excel in studies and
hence rise high in life.
Rs. 2100/=
Your success in career relies on some choices you make in your life. This report analysis your horoscope to give valuable inputs that help
you make the right decisions regarding your career.
Favourable career options
Degrees of success
The ups & downs in career
Predictions & Remedies
Rs. 2100/=
Wealth can mean different things to different people. Jyotish shashtra is filled with shlokas that detail a mind-boggling array of planetary combinations that promise to line your pockets. Financial solvency is one of the major ways to judge success and potential of our personality. That’s why everybody want to know that how much I will get in my whole life.
Rs. 2100/=
Marriage is a sacred institution. Vaidic Astrology has an excellent method of compatibility matching based on Graha and Nakshatras. Everyone wants a good spouse with whom he/she can create some beautiful memories and feel happy.
Kundli matching helps in finding
Compatibility between potential partners
Financial stability after marriage
Fertility, chances of child birth or potential problems
Planetary defects in horoscope
Find out if any pooja or rituals are required before marriage
Rs. 2100/=
Relationship values a lot in our life.. The way in which two or more people are connected by blood, by marriage, by intimacy, by interests or by friendship require a lot of work, by all the people included. Relationships give meaning to life; they are a result of people needing each other for various reasons: for emotional support, psychological well being, love and affection etc.
Vaidic astrology helps to improve healthy relationship and provides astrological solutions to face problems, that has affected your relationship.
Rs. 2100/=
Life is a gift, the most precious gift give by God.
Life is beautiful but not always. It has lots of problems you have to face everyday. In this report you will get complete analysis of horoscope. What twelve houses and nine planets have to say about you. The report will include :
Rajyogas and dhanyogas
Main planets and yogakaraka planets
Malefic yoga’s
various aspects like education, career, family, finances, love life, marriage, children, social status, growth, foreign settlement & health issues etc.
the lifetime remedies that you need to perform to make your destiny stronger.
Mahadashas, shani sadhesti, mangal dosh and many more
Asrtrological remedies for malefic yoga’s
Rs. 3100/=
Rs. 5100/=
A gemstone is a piece of mineral crystal which in cut and polished form and used as astrological remedies according horoscope or birth sign.
A professional guide to right gemstone for you :
Wearing and prescribing a Gemstone to appease malefic and exemplify the effects of benefic plants. This simple theory also has certain principles and rules. Like what combination of gems to be avoided, what substitute to be worn when and what puja/pooja and mantras to be recited before commencing to wear them. Gemstones for every occasion and profession Using gemstones as astrological remedies is a complicated science, and it is best to consult a qualified astrologer before making any decisions in this regard. Wearing an incorrect gem can be severely detrimental to one’s health and happiness. for all those who think that a bad/cruel planet afflicting the chart, should not wear a gemstone for that particular planet because it may also do the counter effect of strengthening the bad effects of that planets, are not entirely wrong. It would be better, these experts say, to use another gem—one that would strengthen the positive planets in the chart and therefore improve one’s situation overall.
Here is a brief study on the types of gems you should wear and what it enhances. Of course as discussed earlier, do consult a qualified astrologer before embarking on this journey.
Media, Arts, Entertainment, Movies and Television, Tour operators and Vehicle business: People wishing to excel and achieve name, fame, and success in film industry or as actor can benefit from wearing expensive diamonds with immaculate cutting. Diamond or heera is associated with Venus- a planet giving luxury and excesses. The planet for vehicles is Venus hence people involved in vehicle related business should wear Diamond.
Job in bank, bankers, Insurance agents, and businessmen: If you want to gain a job in bank or a promotion in banking job then you can wear Emerald ( Panna). To achieve success in business one should wear Emerald (Panna). It is seen that Mercury is the planet of business and Emerald (Panna) is considered as the stone for Mercury.
Teachers, academicians, Students and Professors, Research scholars: Persons willing to excel in the teaching field should wear Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraaj). Students can gain be wearing Yellow sapphire (Pukhraaj).
Govt Job holders, Orthopedist: People wishing for a government job or promotion can benefit by wearing Ruby (Maanik). Orthopedists can gain wealth and money by wearing Ruby (Maanik).
Chartered accountants, Income tax officers or consultants, sales tax officers can gain promotion by wearing Emerald (Panna).
Lawyers can benefit from wearing Emerald (Panna) and Gomedh. People wishing to excel in politics are advised to wear Gomedh.
People working in police or in army should wear Coral (Moonga) as it helps them in achieving growth and victory.
A Surgeon can benefit by wearing Coral (Moonga) and Lahsuniya.
Businessmen involved in business of Iron, Copper, Liquor, and electrical machinery are suggested to wear Blue Sapphire (Neelam).
Things astrologers may check to prescribe a gem:
The lagna/ascendant (rising) sign, and whether it is positively situated.
The mahadasha or major planetary period. Sometimes gems will be prescribed to help during a particular mahadasha, and then removed after that planetary period has passed.
The Moon’s position in the chart.
The position of the twenty-seven constellations the Moon tenants. Different gems may be worn during different constellations.
Then the overall chart is assessed: what planets are exalted, sign ownership, aspects, and other positions.
Gems And Remedies: Performing Remedial measures & wearing stone for a planet helps increase the positive aspects of the planets in the horoscope. Scientifically, recital of Mantra for a particular planet forms a protection layer around the man. Stone increases the benefic aspects by absorbing rays of the planet and flowing them into human body.
How to wear the stone - To obtain the full benefic effect of stone, wear it while Moon is waxing on the specified day and time. Wearing it in the specified Nakshatra enhances the benefic effects of the stone. Take the stone of a size specified or greater in fractions of 1/4 Ratti rejecting fractions of 3/4 Ratti like 4 – 1/4 Ratti. Get it studded in the specified metal such that it touches the finger from bottom. If you are making a pendant then it should also touch your body.
Before wearing it light lamp and incense stick and meditate on your God. Clean the ring in fresh milk and then Ganga water. Perform pooja and recite the specified mantra 108 times. Then wear the stone in the specified finger of your Right hand.
Rudraksha as astrological remedies
The term Rudraksha is a Sanskrit word formed from two words namely "Rudra" meaning Lord Shiva and "Aksha" meaning eyes. When these two words are combined it means that Rudraksha is the Lord Shiva's eyes. According to Hindu religion the term Rudraksha is used to denote the holy bead used by sages during the ancient times. Apart from being used for religious purposes the rudraksha is widely used for various astrological remedies.
There are lots of advantages associated with the adorning of the different faced rudraksha bead. In fact it can never be described just as a bead but also as a blessed bead of Lord Shiva which promises to aid in attaining healthy mind, body and soul. Apart from the enhancement of our soul rudraksha also helps in getting relief from health issues like blood pressure, stress, anxiety, depression and other related diseases. The origin of Rudraksha dates back to the great epic Shiv Purana. Once when Lord Shiva was meditating for more than thousand years and when he opened his eyes after meditation a few drops of tears rolled out from his eyes which when touched the ground took the form of seeds and from which the Rudraksha tree came into existence.
Also there is another story associated with the origin of rudraksha which states that when Lord Shiva burnt demon Tripurasura, tears came out of his eyes which were converted into Rudraksha tree. Rudraksha is a very powerful bead and has the secrets of the process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth and the cosmos within it. When we meditate rudraksha helps in achieving the effort of attaining redemption in life. Rudraksha was mainly used by the sages in ancient period to develop various factors like mental, physical and health prowess so that they can work undisturbed in their devotional path to attain enlightenment.
Ek-mukhi: The most propitious and powerful rudraksha among all the beads is the Ek-mukhi or the one-faced rudraksha. When a person wears it or when the ek mukhi rudraksha is worshipped blessings of Goddess Lakshmi is showered in that place or on the concerned person. There are two shapes of the ek mukhi rudraksha one is the round half and the other is the half moon- shaped. Sun is the ruling planet of the ek mukhi rudraksha which when worn helps in giving remedies for various problems related to Sun in a person's horoscope. The ekmukhi rudraksha is also recommended by astrologers to improve an individual's concentration and to lead them a successful devotional journey.
2 mukhi: The two faced rudraksha is more popularly known as the Unity rudraksha for it depicts the embodiment of Ardhnareeshwar and shows representation of Shiva and Shakti. When the two faced rudraksha is worn it is said to bring about unity for its wearer by adding harmony between two individuals - most commonly between husband and wife and father and son. Moon is the ruling planet of the two-faced rudraksha, so whenever there is any problem related to the Moon in an individual's horoscope this rudraksha is advised to be worn. When the two- faced rudraksha is worn it helps to strengthen the Moon and thereby helps to overcome stress, anxiety, depression, negative vibrations and better decision making.
3 mukhi: The three faced rudraksha represents the three Gods namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The ruling deity of three -faced rudraksha is Lord Agni and the ruling planet is Mars. When there is a malefic effect caused by the planet Mars in a person's horoscope then the three-faced rudraksha is advised by the expert astrologers. It helps the wearers to face any difficult situation and also to improve his or her level of confidence. Medically the three- faced rudraksha helps in treating blood pressure, diabetes, stomach problems, fever, cancer, regulating menstrual cycle and depression. Also when an individual adorns himself with the three-faced rudraksha they are showered with blessings like money, wisdom, power and knowledge.
4 mukhi: The ruling planet of the four- faced rudraksha is the planet Mercury and the four faces of the rudraksha denote the four stages of human life namely Brahmacharya, Grahastha, Vaanprastha and Sanyas. The creator of the Universe Lord Brahma is the ruling deity of the four-faced rudraksha. This rudraksha is highly effective for students for it helps in improving a person's intelligence level, balance of mind and speaking skills. The four-faced rudraksha is mainly worn by students, scientists, executives, and all those people who are in computers, electronics and communication line. It is also used as a remedy to those who have difficulty in speaking.
5 mukhi: The five-faced rudraksha is the most commonly available one which represents the five elements of the human body namely earth, sky, water, fire and wind. When this is worn it helps the person in destroying the five sins namely the sexual desire, anger, intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food, attachment and ego. Jupiter is the ruling planet of the five-faced rudraksha so when there is a problem related to the Jupiter planet in a person's horoscope the five-faced rudraksha is advised to be worn. Apart from the astro remedies the five-faced rudraksha is also helpful in treating blood pressure, diabetes, piles, mental stress, obesity, heart problems, and dental and neuro problems.
6 mukhi: The six faced rudraksha acts an astrological remedy for the malefic effects produced by the Venus planet. When this rudraksha is worn Goddess Lakshmi is pleased and she showers the blessings of wealth and prosperity on the individual. Lord Kartikeya, son of Lord Shiva is the ruling deity of the six-faced rudraksha. Lord Kartikeya being the chief of the celestial army when had worn the rudraksha became very courageous. Astrologically this rudraksha helps in improving marital life and to attain all worldly possession by enhancing our will power. Apart from the astro remedies it also helps in treating various medical problems like epilepsy, gynaecological problems, reproductive problems, urinary problems etc.
7 mukhi: Saturn is the ruling planet of the seven-faced rudraksha and each face is denoted by one divine snake which includes Anant, Taskhak, Karkotak, Pundareek, Vasohiban, Karoash and Shankchud. It is suggested by the astrologers to increase general wealth and prosperity and is strongly believed to bring in good luck, increased profits, financial security, creativity and enhanced intuition and to deal with malefic ill-effects caused by Saturn like Sade saati and Dhaiya. Apart from the astro remedies the medical benefits of this seven faced rudraksha is to treat diseases like impotency, foot diseases, respiratory disorders and chronic diseases.
8 mukhi: Rahu is the ruling planet of the eight-faced rudraksha and so it is recommended to be worn by those who have 'Sarpa Dosha' or the planet Rahu in the 5th House of the horoscope. The eight faces of the rudraksha denote the eight vasus, eight mothers and Ganga. The ruling deity of this rudraksha is Lord Ganesha who is known as 'The Vighnaharta' and when worn is said to remove all hindrances in life, helps in improving a person's intelligence by increasing his analytical skills. Medically it is used to treat nervous system disorders, stress, skin diseases, prostrate and gall bladder.
9 mukhi: The ruling planet of the nine-faced rudraksha is Ketu and is governed by Goddess Durga.The malefic effects of the planet Ketu is dealt to a certain limit by wearing this rudraksha.When this is worn it is said to protect the wearer from all evil and harmful factors by making the individual fearless, stress-free, strong and confident.Medically it helps to treat diseases related to lungs, fever, eye pain, urinal problems, bowel pain, skin diseases, body pain, etc.
10 mukhi: This rudraksha is not ruled by any specific planet but instead represents Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the entire universe. This rudraksha when worn by a person protects him and his entire family by showering the blessings of Lord Vishnu. Astrologically it acts as a remedy for those who are affected by Pitra Dosh. It is helpful in correcting Vastu dosha since Dosha Digpals bless this bead. It is helpful in facing and solving court cases, disputes and acts of enemy. This Rudraksha also nullifies black magic, evil eye, etc., and also controls anger.
11 mukhi: The eleven-faced rudraksha is also not governed by any planet but it represents Lord Hanuman who is noted for his courage, bravery and adventure. When a person is adorned with the eleven-faced rudraksha he is said to be astrologically blessed with courage, confidence, and strenght, wisdom, success and health. Other medical remedies with this rudraksha are body pains, backache, chronic alcoholism, and liver diseases.
12 mukhi: The twelve-faced rudraksha is otherwise known as Dwadash-Aditya ruled by the nine planets and it is also highly blessed by the planet Sun. It is recommended by the astrologers for any issues related with the planet Sun. It acts as remedy for various illnesses like eyes, bones, mental anxiety, problems with elders and heart ailment. Apart from this it is said to bring about wealth and prosperity. Also the twelve-faced rudraksha helps in improving the administrative capacity of an individual and so it is recommended for businessmen, administrators, and Politicians who generally prefer to wear this to acquire name, fame, wealth and power.
13 mukhi: The thirteen-faced rudraksha is ruled by the planet Venus and it signifies the King of Gods namely Lord Kamdev and Lord Indra. It gives abundance of wealth and is recommended for artists, actors, leaders, politicians, marketing professionals and company's chief officers. Astrologically it acts as a remedy for psychiatric illness and sexual disorders.
Siddh Yantra
Siddha yantra are source of energy. Yantra are able to provide the energy.
सूर्य यंत्र
चन्द्र यंत्र
मंगल यंत्र
बुध यंत्र
बृहस्पति यंत्र
शुक्र यंत्र
शनि यंत्र
राहू यंत्र
केतु यंत्र
श्री यंत्र
गायत्री यंत्र
कनकधारा यंत्र
वास्तु दोष निवारण यंत्र
सर्व कार्य सिद्धि यन्त्र
अष्टलक्ष्मी यंत्र
व्यापार वृद्धि यंत्र
मारूति यंत्र
सुमेरु पृष्ठ श्री यंत्र
यंत्र या कवच सभी तरह की मनोकामनाओं की पूर्ति के लिए बनाए जाते हैं । प्रत्येक यंत्र की दिशाएं निर्धारित होती हैं । धन प्राप्ति से संबंधित यंत्र पश्चिम दिशा की ओर मुंह करके रखें जाते हैं तो सुख शांति समृद्धि से संबंधित यंत्र पूर्व दिशा की ओर मुंह करके रखे जाते हैं। इन्हें बनाते या लिखते समय भी दिशाओं का ध्यान रखा जाता है।
कुछ यंत्रों के तो दर्शन मात्र से ही इनकी अद्भुत शक्तियों का लाभ मिलना शुरू हो जाता है।
Divine articles
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